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Band it ROCKS!. =)
Bukit Panjang pri sch
Clementi Town sec sch
I am NOT zhenzi
My pet is TOFU-OYAKO
My good fren is Retarded Monster :D
B'cause she is retarded

I shall grant your evil wishes;D


*i pod nano (black)*
*blue color sling crumpler bag *
*PERSONAL camera*
*can have EVERY album of jay chou *
* *
*do well in band*
*continue to learn japanese *
*quickly pass piano grades till grade8 *
*mother fetch me EVERYDAY till JC/poly (hahas.) *
*can go escape with frenz in SEC2*
*get in TOP10 of class ranking *
*don't have any regrets *
*stay happy *


play com whole day without anybody disturb
Cute stuffs
JAY Chou 周杰伦 (WHOOS)
my frenz



July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009


*YAWN* very tried manz. slept quite little ytd night.

coz ytd got band rehearsal for this sat aesthetic concert at republic poly from 1230 to 1930. like totally 7hours can? haix. band took up so much of my time.. sianz.

ytd rehearsal wasn't really tat good. i should say tat republic poly is quite a haunted place for CTSS band. coz nth good happen whenever we go there. haix.

ytd morning want to drink sth sweet. so went to check the fridge. but found out tat all the orange juice, apple juice and milk were finished.

but really feel like drinking sth. so bo bian, no choice, went to drink the coffee. den in the end at night can't sleep. =.= wth larh..

but tat time exam period, i almost everyday drinking coffee and chionging last min lorh. tat time the coffee really work keeping me awake. was quite useful tat time. lols.

cool sia. i ytd ask my mum go buuy some drinks and put in the fridge. den just now i go check she really bought them and put them in the fridge sia. so efficient. hahas.

hmm. today went to yx's house to do the art banner from around 0920 to 1900. sth like tat. lols.

but didn't really manage to finish. still left the background design and the ice cubes thing. but tmr b4 1300 need hand in to mona lorh. so plan to go sch at 0700 plus tmr to finish. hope can finish bah. hahas.

argh. very tired. go rest le. BYE;}}

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:34 AM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


sianz. don't really like this holiday.

not because of hw i guess. coz hw only got heymath and h.chi.

don't understand why the sch so thrifty. want us to go heymath and print those math ws ourselves. sianz.

h.chi got quite alot well. not the quantity. only got 2生活随笔, 2剪报 and make a 小书 of the book of sth sth 超级 grandma de.

the storybook very thick manz. don't know how to read. need make a small book somemore. argh.. don't care. wait till last min den chiong bah. now not in the mood to do so well..

anyway, don't know wat happen to me recently. keep screwing things up.

for example, yesterday band prac starts at 1pm. but i went at 9am. -.-'' retarded rite. like got 4hours so long don't know do wat.

so bo bian. take mrt to jurong library with claris and hui lin. den slack till around 11am. to my surprised, i actually borrowed 2books when i don't like to read books. lols.

after tat walk to IMM to eat pepper lunch. and took a free shuttle ride from IMM to jurong. reach sch around 1220. and slack at the canteen till 1300.

band suppose to end at 1600. but it delayed till 1800. lucky the sch is closing at 1800. tat's why we ended at 1800. if not, i guess it will end more late.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 3:46 AM

Saturday, May 9, 2009


woke up at 10plus today. coz ytd midnight den sleep. *YAWN* lols.

08.05.09 friday
stay back after sch for h.chi oral. was quite okay larh. but coz i'm the first one den quite nervous.
anyway, my h.chi cher like acted so kind infront of 2D1. it's like suddenly from devil become angel sia. lols.

2A1 and 2B1 is tested by 2D1 h.chi cher, li lao shi. she also suddenly become very nice. she kept smiling at me during the oral and ask me relax sia.

the oral 1315 start. den i around 1345 can go le. coz i first one.

other ppl say i took very long to tok. den the cher also like say, 'erm. u still go anything to add? coz u said alot alr.' den i was like, 'er.. nth le. sayonara.' hahas.

i don't now good anot leh. coz i tok so much. but i kept crapping larh. don't know if it's useful one anot. lols.

after tat, went clementi the ramen ten and ate with my mum and bro. it was to celebrate this sunday mothers' day i guess. me and my bro 'treated' my mum to eat. but my mum pay money larh. hehes.

my mum and bro was mostly eating ramen and i was mostly eating the sushi. i ate more den 10plates of sushi. was damn full. hahas.

i this week ate alot of outside food lorh. monday= pizza hut. tuesday= sakae sushi. wednesday= mos burger. thursday= su-mon house. friday= ramen ten. quite sianz with them le. hahas.

on the way back to the carpark, pass by a spec shop. den saw a levis dark blue spec and bought it very randomly. coz i don't really need to change spec. i just got my white spec last dec.

coz my mum was in a good mood. den she saw me looking at the levis spec. den she was like, 'ehh. tat levis spec not bad. u want buy?' den i was like, 'okay..' wondering why my mum so kind. hahas.

i think at least need after den can get the lens for the new spec. coz my degree very high. den not so easy make. lols.

btw, this week going to have damn lot of stress. coz tue got geog exam. wed got lit and math paper1. thurs got math paper2. lastly, fri got sci exam. like all so close larh. wth.. so stress.

haix. got to go study le. bye=D

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 2:35 AM

Friday, May 1, 2009


30th april 2009
today h.chi paper ends at 12.45pm. suppose to end at 12.15pm. but got the temperature taking den delayed 30mins.

i feel super proud of myself today okay. coz, i took mrt ALONE to jurong point. cool rite? LOLS. was quite scare tat i took the wrong one at first. hahas.

coz everybody go clementi eat lunch. but i have to go JP eat lunch with my mum. my mum ask me out to eat lunch, how can i turn her down rite? i very nice one okay. hahas.

we went to eat ramen at one of the japanese store. it was quite nice. ate alot. after eat finish, saw ichi ban. den i was like, ' sianz. should have went to ichi ban instead.'

after tat, shop around there. and blah blah blah. can't rmb alr. hehes. paiseh.

1st may 2009
woke up at 11am plus today. coz ytd 2am plus den sleep. it's quite late compare to usual.

actually got a wake up call at 9am. but i went back to sleep after picking up the call. LOLS.

must thanks the person for giving me wake up call for today and last weekend. although went back to sleep after picking up the call today. hahas.

lucky today holiday. still got sat and sun to do hw.

actually ytd midnight like tat should go airport fetch my NS bro. he went taiwan for training again. i don't understand leh. like just come back from training in taiwan, den my mum want the whole family go fetch him. he so dua pai meh? =.=

in the end, i act act sleep. den nvr went in the end. i didn't know tat i can act so well. should get the GAA. hahas.

anyway, had eng paper1&2 on wed and h.chi paper1&2 on thurs. haix. flung both of them.

nvr do finish both my eng paper 1&2. sianz. totally suck. i seriously hope i just pass can liao. 50marks can alr.

for the h.chi paper, paper1 was okay. got enough time do finish.

but the paper2 suck like hell can. the open ended compre super duper difficult. plus not enough time do. how am i suppose to so such a hard paper when there's not enough time?

wth larh. i think i die in the compre part. and u know wat? the compre part take up 50marks. it's like omg larh. craps larh. i hope i did super well for the front part. sianz.

lucky this coming whole week no exams. just tat got a math test on tue. which is quite sudden. but i suppose got enough time to study. coz 2days holiday.

sianz. exams so stress. and now i even more stress. coz my phone bill exploded again. haix.

at first my mum wanted to cancel my monthly plan phone line and give me those top-up cards or watever card u call it. it's like every time u put money in it. den use finish the money liao ur problem those.

after tat my siblings sort of help me. den my mum decided to try one month using this method: every day come back from sch i need to off my phone and give it to her. den go sch tat time she return me.

tat mean i can only use phone in sch just to contact her. tell her wat time come fetch me all tat craps. it's like wth larh. one month leh! 30days sia! how am i going to survive without my phone for one whole month?? sianz.

den she forbid me talking on the phone for too long. wa lao eh. i suddenly feel so angry. very craps leh. like everything also can't do. now i can only use com for entertainment. sianz.

bad mood larh. so stupid. everything just doesn't seems correct for me these few days. haix.

nth much to say le. bye.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 1:22 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

haix. nth do. so went to find some more horror movies. i found some quite long ago one. but is damn scary one. which i don't even know if i dare to watch.

i watched them when i was quite young. and last time i scared till i don't dare to watch horror movies for quite long lorh. maybe is cause i young tat time watch, tat's why feel them scary. maybe now watch won't find them scary bah. lols.

plus u know, now it's raining. my mum and bro in their room. i alone in the living room finding horror movies. it's quite, u know.. lols.

i also found alot of dics tat i haven't watch after buying for so long one. hahas. but now, i just feel like watching horror movies leh.

URGENT: anybody hse can let me go watch horror movies one? or who dare to watch horror movies with me?

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 1:35 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009

sianz. today so boring. ytd holiday i whole day never step out of my hse at all. i think today also lorh.

coz my mum recently quarrel with my dad till she no mood go shopping. den poor me, the innocent one, also can't go out. i want go out larh. so sianz at home can.

keep asking ppl to go out with me today. but everybody pangsei me. -.-'' all of them either got sth on, got tuition, need prepare for mid-year exam or watever thing. sianz.

i want go watch unborn can. coz thurs music lesson nth do. so eerong, yun xian, rebecca and me went to youtube to watch some parts horror movie of 'ju-on'. it's rong fang recommend one. lols.

we watch till very engrossed. den suddenly, brenda went to scare us. and all of us scream. hahas. so funny lorh.

den after tat i keep thinking of watching horror movie. HAIX. but i think unborn not showing on cinema liao lorh. coz like unborn have been showing for 3weeks alr.

anyway, currently i got 2horror movies disc with me. i'm trying to go ppl hse to watch. coz i don't dare watch alone well. hahas.

till now i can only find one person hse to watch. but i got 2 disc mah. den still need one more person's hse to watch.

CALLING: need somebody hse to watch horror movie. LOLS. pls leh people. i want to watch horror movie. hahas. if anybody can let me go ur hse watch horror movie, pls sms or call my hp kays? ;DD

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 10:24 PM

Friday, March 27, 2009


sianz. term2 week1 seriously pass very fast. maybe coz monday nth nth. den tue to thurs loads of tests, like got 5tests larh. siao. den fri no sch, coz got sports carnival. but just like don't feel anything tat one week pass leh. lols.

anyway, this week very stress larh. tue got geog test after sch. the geog test was quite bad. but at least abit better den the previous test.

den wed got 2tests, sci and h.chi.

the sci test was bad. coz the cher only ask us to study 2chapters. but end up came out 3chapters. craps larh. i didn't know den nvr learn for the 3rd chap. the 3rd chap like got 12/30 marks? almost half of the test? -.-'' don't know how the cher teach one. =.= den in the end alot of ppl protests. so going to have another test on coming thurs. just on the 3rd chap.

the h.chi test was bad too. it was a test on 水浒传. it was a book with like 200pages and small word? -.-'' and u know wat? the test came up with ALL MCQ and the page number of the ans. damn it larh. i spend like don't know how long reading on the bloody book? and it came out so freaky easy. stupid. don't know which idiot set this paper one. so no brain. waste my precious time. =.=

well. on thurs, there's also 2tests. they were math and eng.

eng test was a summary writing which was quite okay among all the other tests. coz i don't really care abt it. hahas.

for the math, quite scary sia. got quite alot of ques don't know how to do. sianz. the total marks is 35. hope can get more than 25.. hope so..

lols. like this whole week got 5subjects test.think next week onward won't be so stress liao bah. hahas.

nth much to say liao. bye=)

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 4:26 AM

Friday, March 20, 2009

well. today was a tiring day.

reached sch at 6.47am. was supposed to reach at 6.50am. and i was 3mins early! =) lols. packed and have fall in all tat. den went geylang to have schools band exchange. no no. don't think sick. it's geylang methodist school.

we had exchange with 6bands, including clementi town. they're geylang methodist, teck whye, bishan park, woodspring (think it's this name), and one don't know wat sch. forget liao. psps.

hmm. reach there around 8 den have exchange all tat. played our set piece, overture, twice and choice piece, among the cloud, once. got first round and second round. first round is just play the set piece. den second round is play both set piece and choice piece. in between got around 20mins break.

anyway, wat i want to say is tat. the bus tat we took totally suck. got a kind of smell. i don't know wat. it's not smelly. but.. hmm. don't know how to describe larh. just feel like vomitting in the bus. den me and april was like dying in the bus. hahas. and we decided to sleep in the bus to spend time so tat we don't vomit. lols. den the bus is like those super old bus lorh. when stop for traffic light will have those noisy sound one. lols.

and my leg damn pain lorh. the stupid black shoe lorh. so pain. don't understand why must wear till WHOLE body black. black tee, black long pant, black sock and black shoe. so blackie lorh. -.-''

den band ended at 12plus plus. actually after band, my mum plan to bring me see doctor coz don't feel well after the aesthetic camp. but didn't go in the end. don't know why. maybe she suddenly not free bah. maybe monday den she bring me see. lols.

hmm. still got quite alot of hw manz. left 2days. hope can do finish. JY everybody. =) lols. bye.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:47 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009


hmm. today is the first day of march holiday. and i tell u what. it totally suck like hell. got damn damn lot of hw can. one week nia. but so much hw. siao. it's not like june or dec holiday. yet the chers gave us so many hw.

plus plus, monday and tuesday got aesthetic camp from 7.30am to 6.30pm. it's like a normal sch days with cca rite? 2days of holiday gone just like tat. =.= den maybe still got additional band prac lorh. sianz.

i rather normal sch days instead of holiday lorh. at least sch days don't have so much hw. it's not a holiday lorh. it's a torture period.

btw, ytd had a exchange with assumption band. they came to our sch from 1.30pm to 5.30pm. was quite a good experience. but had a long time arranging back the chairs and table. lols.

think going to start hw after the aesthetic camp bah. must relax a while den counted holiday rite? hehes.


Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 11:55 PM

Saturday, March 7, 2009


sianz. very busy recently manz. got quite alot of tests. plus band. haix. so stress.

lols. just have the eng essay test on the drugs addict thing. i don't know if it's really a test. the cher just say it's graded and she will picked some of the good ones for competition. den she say wat, want us to do a good job. so next lesson den continue do the essay.

for math test, recently got one on chapter2. den will have one on chapter3 soon. think the week after the march holiday if i'm not wrong.

for sci test, got one on thurs. alot ppl nvr finish, so cher allow us to continue next lesson. actually she wanted us to continue after sch. but thurs got enrichment programme, so cannot.

for h.chi test, just got one. and we receive it back on fri. my result was bad coz the paper was hard. (lol?) esp the compre part. so difficult can. and the worst it tat need give parent sign. sianz. don't feel like toking abt it liao.

den this thurs going to be very busy manz. coz thurs after sch got extra h.chi lesson. den after h.chi lesson got geog test. after geog test got band. haix. it's like so close can. haix. so stress. i think i got a few strands of white hair now liao lorh. sianz.

den tmr got morning band prac. after sch also got. haix. so boring.

just webcam with rebecca. but we only webcam for a while she got to go liao. sianz.

recently like very sianz leh. like no fun like tat. like got alot of stuffs waiting for me to do like tat. SIANZ.. feel so stress.

nth much to say liao. bye..

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 11:14 PM