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This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

Band it ROCKS!. =)
Bukit Panjang pri sch
Clementi Town sec sch
I am NOT zhenzi
My pet is TOFU-OYAKO
My good fren is Retarded Monster :D
B'cause she is retarded

I shall grant your evil wishes;D


*i pod nano (black)*
*blue color sling crumpler bag *
*PERSONAL camera*
*can have EVERY album of jay chou *
* *
*do well in band*
*continue to learn japanese *
*quickly pass piano grades till grade8 *
*mother fetch me EVERYDAY till JC/poly (hahas.) *
*can go escape with frenz in SEC2*
*get in TOP10 of class ranking *
*don't have any regrets *
*stay happy *


play com whole day without anybody disturb
Cute stuffs
JAY Chou 周杰伦 (WHOOS)
my frenz



July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009


woke up at 10plus today. coz ytd midnight den sleep. *YAWN* lols.

08.05.09 friday
stay back after sch for h.chi oral. was quite okay larh. but coz i'm the first one den quite nervous.
anyway, my h.chi cher like acted so kind infront of 2D1. it's like suddenly from devil become angel sia. lols.

2A1 and 2B1 is tested by 2D1 h.chi cher, li lao shi. she also suddenly become very nice. she kept smiling at me during the oral and ask me relax sia.

the oral 1315 start. den i around 1345 can go le. coz i first one.

other ppl say i took very long to tok. den the cher also like say, 'erm. u still go anything to add? coz u said alot alr.' den i was like, 'er.. nth le. sayonara.' hahas.

i don't now good anot leh. coz i tok so much. but i kept crapping larh. don't know if it's useful one anot. lols.

after tat, went clementi the ramen ten and ate with my mum and bro. it was to celebrate this sunday mothers' day i guess. me and my bro 'treated' my mum to eat. but my mum pay money larh. hehes.

my mum and bro was mostly eating ramen and i was mostly eating the sushi. i ate more den 10plates of sushi. was damn full. hahas.

i this week ate alot of outside food lorh. monday= pizza hut. tuesday= sakae sushi. wednesday= mos burger. thursday= su-mon house. friday= ramen ten. quite sianz with them le. hahas.

on the way back to the carpark, pass by a spec shop. den saw a levis dark blue spec and bought it very randomly. coz i don't really need to change spec. i just got my white spec last dec.

coz my mum was in a good mood. den she saw me looking at the levis spec. den she was like, 'ehh. tat levis spec not bad. u want buy?' den i was like, 'okay..' wondering why my mum so kind. hahas.

i think at least need after den can get the lens for the new spec. coz my degree very high. den not so easy make. lols.

btw, this week going to have damn lot of stress. coz tue got geog exam. wed got lit and math paper1. thurs got math paper2. lastly, fri got sci exam. like all so close larh. wth.. so stress.

haix. got to go study le. bye=D

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 2:35 AM

Friday, May 1, 2009


30th april 2009
today h.chi paper ends at 12.45pm. suppose to end at 12.15pm. but got the temperature taking den delayed 30mins.

i feel super proud of myself today okay. coz, i took mrt ALONE to jurong point. cool rite? LOLS. was quite scare tat i took the wrong one at first. hahas.

coz everybody go clementi eat lunch. but i have to go JP eat lunch with my mum. my mum ask me out to eat lunch, how can i turn her down rite? i very nice one okay. hahas.

we went to eat ramen at one of the japanese store. it was quite nice. ate alot. after eat finish, saw ichi ban. den i was like, ' sianz. should have went to ichi ban instead.'

after tat, shop around there. and blah blah blah. can't rmb alr. hehes. paiseh.

1st may 2009
woke up at 11am plus today. coz ytd 2am plus den sleep. it's quite late compare to usual.

actually got a wake up call at 9am. but i went back to sleep after picking up the call. LOLS.

must thanks the person for giving me wake up call for today and last weekend. although went back to sleep after picking up the call today. hahas.

lucky today holiday. still got sat and sun to do hw.

actually ytd midnight like tat should go airport fetch my NS bro. he went taiwan for training again. i don't understand leh. like just come back from training in taiwan, den my mum want the whole family go fetch him. he so dua pai meh? =.=

in the end, i act act sleep. den nvr went in the end. i didn't know tat i can act so well. should get the GAA. hahas.

anyway, had eng paper1&2 on wed and h.chi paper1&2 on thurs. haix. flung both of them.

nvr do finish both my eng paper 1&2. sianz. totally suck. i seriously hope i just pass can liao. 50marks can alr.

for the h.chi paper, paper1 was okay. got enough time do finish.

but the paper2 suck like hell can. the open ended compre super duper difficult. plus not enough time do. how am i suppose to so such a hard paper when there's not enough time?

wth larh. i think i die in the compre part. and u know wat? the compre part take up 50marks. it's like omg larh. craps larh. i hope i did super well for the front part. sianz.

lucky this coming whole week no exams. just tat got a math test on tue. which is quite sudden. but i suppose got enough time to study. coz 2days holiday.

sianz. exams so stress. and now i even more stress. coz my phone bill exploded again. haix.

at first my mum wanted to cancel my monthly plan phone line and give me those top-up cards or watever card u call it. it's like every time u put money in it. den use finish the money liao ur problem those.

after tat my siblings sort of help me. den my mum decided to try one month using this method: every day come back from sch i need to off my phone and give it to her. den go sch tat time she return me.

tat mean i can only use phone in sch just to contact her. tell her wat time come fetch me all tat craps. it's like wth larh. one month leh! 30days sia! how am i going to survive without my phone for one whole month?? sianz.

den she forbid me talking on the phone for too long. wa lao eh. i suddenly feel so angry. very craps leh. like everything also can't do. now i can only use com for entertainment. sianz.

bad mood larh. so stupid. everything just doesn't seems correct for me these few days. haix.

nth much to say le. bye.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 1:22 AM