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This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

Band it ROCKS!. =)
Bukit Panjang pri sch
Clementi Town sec sch
I am NOT zhenzi
My pet is TOFU-OYAKO
My good fren is Retarded Monster :D
B'cause she is retarded

I shall grant your evil wishes;D


*i pod nano (black)*
*blue color sling crumpler bag *
*PERSONAL camera*
*can have EVERY album of jay chou *
* *
*do well in band*
*continue to learn japanese *
*quickly pass piano grades till grade8 *
*mother fetch me EVERYDAY till JC/poly (hahas.) *
*can go escape with frenz in SEC2*
*get in TOP10 of class ranking *
*don't have any regrets *
*stay happy *


play com whole day without anybody disturb
Cute stuffs
JAY Chou 周杰伦 (WHOOS)
my frenz



July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009

haix. nth do. so went to find some more horror movies. i found some quite long ago one. but is damn scary one. which i don't even know if i dare to watch.

i watched them when i was quite young. and last time i scared till i don't dare to watch horror movies for quite long lorh. maybe is cause i young tat time watch, tat's why feel them scary. maybe now watch won't find them scary bah. lols.

plus u know, now it's raining. my mum and bro in their room. i alone in the living room finding horror movies. it's quite, u know.. lols.

i also found alot of dics tat i haven't watch after buying for so long one. hahas. but now, i just feel like watching horror movies leh.

URGENT: anybody hse can let me go watch horror movies one? or who dare to watch horror movies with me?

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 1:35 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009

sianz. today so boring. ytd holiday i whole day never step out of my hse at all. i think today also lorh.

coz my mum recently quarrel with my dad till she no mood go shopping. den poor me, the innocent one, also can't go out. i want go out larh. so sianz at home can.

keep asking ppl to go out with me today. but everybody pangsei me. -.-'' all of them either got sth on, got tuition, need prepare for mid-year exam or watever thing. sianz.

i want go watch unborn can. coz thurs music lesson nth do. so eerong, yun xian, rebecca and me went to youtube to watch some parts horror movie of 'ju-on'. it's rong fang recommend one. lols.

we watch till very engrossed. den suddenly, brenda went to scare us. and all of us scream. hahas. so funny lorh.

den after tat i keep thinking of watching horror movie. HAIX. but i think unborn not showing on cinema liao lorh. coz like unborn have been showing for 3weeks alr.

anyway, currently i got 2horror movies disc with me. i'm trying to go ppl hse to watch. coz i don't dare watch alone well. hahas.

till now i can only find one person hse to watch. but i got 2 disc mah. den still need one more person's hse to watch.

CALLING: need somebody hse to watch horror movie. LOLS. pls leh people. i want to watch horror movie. hahas. if anybody can let me go ur hse watch horror movie, pls sms or call my hp kays? ;DD

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 10:24 PM