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[#o1] Welcome to my blog
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] Tag before you leave
[#o5] No vulgarities
[#o6] Leave if you're unhappy
and click on the words to navigate

This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

Band it ROCKS!. =)
Bukit Panjang pri sch
Clementi Town sec sch
I am NOT zhenzi
My pet is TOFU-OYAKO
My good fren is Retarded Monster :D
B'cause she is retarded

I shall grant your evil wishes;D


*i pod nano (black)*
*blue color sling crumpler bag *
*PERSONAL camera*
*can have EVERY album of jay chou *
* *
*do well in band*
*continue to learn japanese *
*quickly pass piano grades till grade8 *
*mother fetch me EVERYDAY till JC/poly (hahas.) *
*can go escape with frenz in SEC2*
*get in TOP10 of class ranking *
*don't have any regrets *
*stay happy *


play com whole day without anybody disturb
Cute stuffs
JAY Chou 周杰伦 (WHOOS)
my frenz



July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

lols. amanda pass me this quiz.

1. Wad is ur full name? Chia Hui Min

2. Do you like your 1st name? not really.

3. How long have you like the person you currently liked? er.. siao.

4. Have you ever kissed anyone in the last 48hours? No.

5. Did you cried today? dontt know..

6. Wad are you doing at 8am today? sleeping.

7. wad are you doing an hour ago? looking at people blog.

8. Wad are you currently doing? doing this quiz larh. lols.

9. Hu last texted you a msg? forgot.

10. Have you told anyone you love them today? no. i don't usually say tat. lols.

11. Do you miss anyone now? secret. =)

12. Any plans for tml? go band for the sch opening ceremony bah.

13. Wad was the reason behind the last time you cried? secret..

14. is there anyone you want to be with now? secret. =)

15. Have you ever kissed anyone whose name starts with C? my family? hahas.

16. Name someone hu makes you smile today, how? erm. not yet. lols.

17. Name a friend whose name starts with Z. zoey.

18. Do you prefer call or text? both. lols.

19. Was ytd better than today? haven't finish today how i know. lols.

20. Can you live a day without TV or handphone? don't think so. lols.

21. Are you mad about anything now? no. being mad not good for health. =) hahas.

22. Do you really thinks that a relationship are really worth it? maybe? lols.

23. Last person you visited in the hospital? erm. grandma? lols. should be larh.

24. When is your last and second hug? er.. weird question. lols.

25. Wad does the last text msg in ur inbox says? forgot.

26. How do you feel about ur life now? boring. not until 23rd of dec. lols.

27. Do you hate anyone? no. maybe dislike bah. lols.

28. Last person you called? forgot.

29. Hu usually sent you the most texts in a month? how i know. lols.

30. Is your room messy now? erm. sort of.

31. Hu will be mad if your room is messy? of coz mother larh. lols.

32. Ur shortest relationship? don't know wat u toking. lols.

33. Hu do you like? family, 'family' and frenz. lols.

Tag 7people to do this quiz!
1. Xinyi
2. yunxian
3. rebecca
4. adeline
5. ee rong
6. see min
7. sandra

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 9:24 PM

Sunday, November 2, 2008

yo yo. =) lols. wake up at around 6plus today.
hmm. today was a boring sunday. didn't went out except the morning. which i don't think is counted. lols. den today the hse very peaceful lorh. so quiet. everybody, except me and my sis, which is studying, were all taking a nap. lols.
afternoon i was in a piano mode. wanna practice piano alot. but my sis in university. den now is exam period. she ask me don't play the piano, will disturb her. wa lao. but i really in the mood to play mah. this mood doesn't come so often one. den like if i don't play, later my mum will force me to play. den later tat time i no mood, don't want play will get scolded by my mum. sianz. i still plan to spend the whole afternoon infront of the piano. lols. but this really depend on mood larh. there will be no happiness if someone force u to do sth.. really. now i can sort of understand wat it really mean.. lols.
den in the end, no choice. drag myself to the living room. sit on the sofa. keep pressing the remote control of the tv. did this for the whole afternoon. stupid rite. lols. but nth else to do. not in the stupid mood to do hwk or take nap. lols.
den my sis study till sian, come out of her room and disturb me. =( den play play play. den don't know me or my sis pressed my handphone and called somebody accidentally. really sorry to tat person. didn't did it on purpose. sry..
around at night den use com. actutally doesn't even want to on the com. but juz on it to blog. haix. also don't know why i today everything also not in the mood. i still wanna to play the piano now. but at night play will be complained by neighbour. den tmr still got band from like 10to5plus. when will i get the time to play? wa lao. my sis lorh. let me play mah. she will eventually feel much more better to study after she heard my 'beautiful' piano skills. jkjk. lols. my hand is really itchy for piano manz. arh!! ;(
omg. i watch the commercial of 'the coffin'. i super want to watch it manz! it look quite scary. and i love scary movie! muhahas. sigh. but i don't think my mum let me go out. she say wat muz sec3 den let me go out.. but i don't know if she will make an exception? lols. hope so. sigh.
really damn bored today. can't do things tat i want. really doesn't feel like blogging or go online liao. always will rmb some unhappiness stuffs. maybe tmr not going to blog or online liao bah.. all maybe a few days also not going to? or maybe till the day i feel like bah. haixs. life is really bored..
bye.. =)

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 3:58 AM

Saturday, November 1, 2008

yo. i'm back. lols.
went to cut my hair this afternoon. hmm. don't know how to describe it.. the hair behind was okay. coz the hairdresser didn't cut much. coz i over there keep saying, 'don't cut too short, don't cut too short'. lols. but the infront was quite short. erm. not really quite short or long larh. till the eyebrow there. but not quite comfortable with it. lols.
well. days was quite boring.. haix.
think enjoy one more week den start do hw bah. guess there should be enough time. lols.
juz change my blogskin. thx to brenda! she helped me change to this blogskin.
i think this blogsking quite cool larh. coz it tell us tat human is so weak. anytime, ANYTIME. the god of death might juz take our life away. we will never, ever know wat will happen tmr.. whether we will still be in this world anot. whether we still have watever we had now. it can juz dissappear if u didn't hold it tightly. so, cherish wat u have now. make use of the time u still have now. don't waste it. when the chance come, grab it. don't juz let it go away...
den sth very funny happen. hahas. this is wat happen:
at first, she ask me to remind her to call her dad.
den after tat i tell her, call ur dad.
den she, say okok.
den i say, call my dad.
den she say, for wat? come on.
den i give her my dad's no.
den she really go call.
den when my father pick up the phone i go say hello to my father.
hahas. so funny. den my dad tot is i call him one. lols.
den after tat we went back toking. hahas. =)

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 4:45 AM

yo. today is the first sat of holiday. wake at around 9am. haix. although haven't do any hw yet, but juz didn't really enjoy my holiday till now.
juz ate finish bee hoon for lunch. den my mum gave me a cup of orange juice to drink. quite nice. lols.
now my sis bringing me to go cut hair liao. den after tat got to rusj home for piano lesson. lols. brb. =)

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 4:41 AM