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This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

Band it ROCKS!. =)
Bukit Panjang pri sch
Clementi Town sec sch
I am NOT zhenzi
My pet is TOFU-OYAKO
My good fren is Retarded Monster :D
B'cause she is retarded

I shall grant your evil wishes;D


*i pod nano (black)*
*blue color sling crumpler bag *
*PERSONAL camera*
*can have EVERY album of jay chou *
* *
*do well in band*
*continue to learn japanese *
*quickly pass piano grades till grade8 *
*mother fetch me EVERYDAY till JC/poly (hahas.) *
*can go escape with frenz in SEC2*
*get in TOP10 of class ranking *
*don't have any regrets *
*stay happy *


play com whole day without anybody disturb
Cute stuffs
JAY Chou 周杰伦 (WHOOS)
my frenz



July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Monday, September 22, 2008

hello everybody! haven't been blogging for 2weeks. lols. i am now risking my life to blog. coz it is 2more days to exam! but i am really damn angry at sch juz now, after the last period.
i feel tat most people in our class stay united as a class. and those people who didn't, wat are they called? they are called HYPOCRITE!
i hate hypocrite, i dislike them, and i depise them! or should i say everybody also hate hyprocrite!
if he/she do not want to eat sweet with us, den shoo off larh! go backstab us, tell the teacher. i mean like, everybody also eating sweet wat. wat the hell is his/her problem larh? he/she want to act act is it? want to be a guai kia in front of tat lu. like he/she never change seat, use hp and eat sweet in class b4. know how to act only.
after the last period, tat lu go pull me to one corner and scold me. and she threaten to call my parent. i bet tat hyprocrite muz be very happy, seeing me die. but NO! i have my frenz! we stay united. all the girls went to help me. unlike tat hypocrite, odd one out.
actually only a few people and me went to complain to lu. den some of the girls see den come and help. all our voice add up together is like so loud can. i really muz thx the girls. they really help me alot. without them i don't know how to face tat lu alone lorh. we were all very agitated. we shout like hell can. den i also very agitated. i keep shouting and shouting like mad. den got people ask me cool down. lols. lu say tmr TPI going to settle it. come on manz. want punish, punish the whole class together larh. WE ARE UNITED MANZ. unlike some peopl. i am looking forward to tmr TPI. i am going to fight back. she think i good to bully is it? always pick on me? wth. can't she juz shut her ass up? freak..
hope u all like this pic of hippo. lols. =)

credits to all the people who help me(if i left out ur name, plz tell me. coz tat time damn agitated. didn't go see who is there):
ee rong
li yun
rong fang
yun xian

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 12:58 AM

Sunday, September 7, 2008

08.09.08 monday
feel those songs by jay chou is quite nice, so uploaded it...although it's quite long liao... juz hope u all like it...
sigh... didn't went to sch today coz not feeling very well and my mum also ask me don't go... plus i am not in the mood to go to sch...
didn't went for band practice for 2times- 05.09.08 and 08.09.08. hope i didn't miss much stuffs.
did not blog and ans any calls for three days... feel tat i had wasted my time for the past few days... i haven't come to any conclusion yet...
feel tat i had been talking lesser and lesser recently- i don't talk unncessary. or should i say, i only speak when neccesary...
unlike last time, i slept early, recently i had been seeing the clock strike at 12midnight- had been sleeping very late... coz of some stuffs...
sian... realise tat got quite alot of injury at my legs... four at my right leg. three at my left leg... lols...

on the com to do the eng power point slides... so dissapointed seeing tat nobody in on9 in msn... of coz larh. they are in sch mah... lols...
i realise tat not everything had a reason to them... is juz the word: feel. u feel like doing this, u feel like doing tat.
think not going to blog till i feel to...
bye everybody...

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 9:41 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008

today wake up at 10am. waiting for my death... actually plan to wake up at 9am and practice piano till 11am. den go to the examination place. but my mum didn't wake me up. she say let me sleep longer better. got more energy. lols. coz yesterday i sleep at 11.30pm. doing last min revision. anyway, yesterday night, i seriously got a damn damn damn weird dream. and the dream is soooo longgg can. i seriously don't understand the dream... is it a hint of sth? well. i don't know. lols.
well. wat the hell! today i did very badly for my exam can. i like any how ans the examiner. den even the examiner also laugh lorh. coz i ans till very 'ni pu'. sian. i don't know larh. if only the night b4 i don't have this weird dream. den i may be able to ans propely and concentrate. sian. now wat i can do i juz pray hard tat i pass. i seriously can't fail it. arh... :(
after the exam, which is around 12.15pm, i went to the JE mrt station and meet zi lin. we are suppose to do art project. but hui yin suddenly say she got a bad stomachache den can't come. den jia xuan 1pm den come. zi lin and me went to have lunch. but so sad. like all the fastfood also full hse lorh. sian. den we left with no choice but to take away jollinbean(not sure if it's like tat spell). and we can't find seat. den we sat down at the lift corner there. so pai seh larh. everybody who came out from the lift like looking at us. sian. but no seat mah. where they want us to sit. lols. this is taken when we are eating at the corner.

after tat, meet jia xuan at JE library. after tat, we saw yun xian, rong fang and zhi shan. they also doing art project. den doing finish, nth to do, we went to took neo print.
this is taken in the neoprint room when we are waiting for jia xuan.
den me and zi lin went to IMM to buy a present for someone. hehes. u will know who is it soon. lols. on the way to IMM. zi lin teach me sth! she teach me how to DASHED ACROSS THE RED LIGHT TRAFFIC MAN. tat mean walk across the road when we are not suppose to! lols. but this really help to save time to get to out destination. lols. den at mini toons saw sherine, ee pin and wan jie. i think they also buying birthday present. lols.
around 4.30pm, we went home.
well... i am not going to post for 3days and going to think abt sth... one incident... not going to ans to any sms or call... sigh...

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:16 AM

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

OMG OMG OMG. tmr 11.45am is my death... i am going to have a piano practical grade6 exam. i am so scare can! i can't afford to fail it... but till now, i haven't really understand it alot. i juz okay okay at it.
everybody. plz wish me good luck! i seriously need it. =D
well. i serious got to THX a guy from band. today got band. and this guy lend me the grade6 aural book. i seriously appreciate his help! therefore, i hereby specially thx this guy. i don't think i should say the guy name. lols. anyway, he had his grade6 practical exam on tue. so he lend me on wed, den i prepare it for thurs. haha. this timing very good r8. lols.
hmm. today during break, went to toilet with a few people. on the way, saw rebecca. she had juz ended her SJAB. and she's with sweat and trying to spread it to me. so YUCK larh. i went to wash my hand after tat. lols.
today band is from 9am to 1pm. after band went to kou fu to have lunch with some peoples... lols. went home after tat.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 6:25 AM

Monday, September 1, 2008

wah sian. so many people need me to relink. lols. this holiday i am going to be super busy manx. but i still spend sometimes blogging. lols. i tell my mum i do the eng project den she let me use one. lols. hmm. not much thing happen recently.
well. let me tell u my activities. hahas. erm.
last sat, sun and today. i wake up at 6.30am and went out at 6.45am with my father to do some stuff and went back quite late. don't think sick hor. lols.
tmr i got tuition at 7pm. and got time go to hw. i haven't even do one hw okay. lols.
wed i got band practice from 9am till 1pm. den piano lesson at 5pm. from 3pm to 5pm, i got to practice piano. think i so hardworking? nah. coz thurs got piano practical exam. tat's why. lols. thurs 11am plus go for the piano exam. den after tat maybe do the stupid art project? lols. don't understand why always holiday got to do sth abt art. so boring can. lols.
fri, sat and sun i'm going to be outside from 8am to 10pm. seriously. no joking. it's true. lols.
see, my holiday so busy r8. i really scare i got not enough time to do finish my hw lorh.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 4:26 AM