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Band it ROCKS!. =)
Bukit Panjang pri sch
Clementi Town sec sch
I am NOT zhenzi
My pet is TOFU-OYAKO
My good fren is Retarded Monster :D
B'cause she is retarded

I shall grant your evil wishes;D


*i pod nano (black)*
*blue color sling crumpler bag *
*PERSONAL camera*
*can have EVERY album of jay chou *
* *
*do well in band*
*continue to learn japanese *
*quickly pass piano grades till grade8 *
*mother fetch me EVERYDAY till JC/poly (hahas.) *
*can go escape with frenz in SEC2*
*get in TOP10 of class ranking *
*don't have any regrets *
*stay happy *


play com whole day without anybody disturb
Cute stuffs
JAY Chou 周杰伦 (WHOOS)
my frenz



July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Friday, August 29, 2008

WHOOS. today so excited. today is the celebration of teachers' day. we go sch as usual and dismiss at 11am. we watched concert at the quadrangale den went back to classroom for the party. the concert were nice and interesting. lols.
wei fun and me were in charge of bringing the sushi. but wei fun make it himself. i wonder if anybody had a stomachache or died after eating his sushi? lols. JKJK. i didn't eat my own sushi. coz by the time i go take, no more liao. people eat finish alr. lols.
so sad. today no hot dog or sausage. lols.
i kam-sei 4times today. 3time root beer, 1time pepsi. everytime is FULL CUP one. i drink till very disgusting and full. and b4 we drink, we muz say: 'kam-sei' very very long den one time drink finish all. lols. (continue see and u will see a video of us kam-sei-ing) the first time i kam-sei is with hui yin. second time is with zi lin. third time with adeline and rebecca. fourth time is with ee rong , yun xian, adeline, rebeca and miss loke. lols. siao rite. den still got one last time, i fake fake take 2cups of root beer and walk toward hui yin. i challenge her. but obviously i can't drink liao rite. i trick her one. i make her drink 2cups of root beer fot nth. hahas. and den she keep scold me. lols.
i didn't ate much. i only eat some chips and ee rong's CHICKEN wing. hahas. don't think sick hor. coz i give her face mah. muz support own father wat. lols.
today we finally received our class tees. WHOOS. we quickly wear it over our sch button shirt although we are not suppose to wear class tee. lols. cool rite. class tee with a weird collar. but everybody in our class was wearing it. lols.
i really had a great time during the party. we ran around looking for teacher to give them teachers' day gift. lols.
and we took our class photo in the classroom when it's time to go.
i took quite alot of photos during the party:
li yun and me. :P

still li yun and me. lols.
rebecca and me. =P did u wonder why i am shorter den her? coz i purposely squat down one. to make it balance. lols.
adeline and me. :D
ee rong and me. =D
from left to right: me, adeline, miss loke and rebecca. (2 of them) these were the photos when i 3rd time kam-sei-ing. lols.

this was the video when i 4th time kam-sei-ing. from left to right: me, adeline, miss loke, rebecca, ee rong and yun xian.

yun xian and me. wonder why she give a weird face. hahas. yun xian and me again. this one look more nicer den the previous one. lols. zi lin and me.
jia xuan and me :) zhi shan and me adeline, ee rong, miss loke and me. (isn't the card miss loke holding on to, super pretty? muz thx the person who spend effort to do it. which is the super artist: ee rong. miss loke praise ee rong had a talent in making card. hahas. i agree. lols.) me, rebecca, miss loke, ee rong and adeline

yo. after dismiss. my mum fetch me back to my pri sch. i was so emotional! i see who, hug who. OMG. I miss them so much. it had been 9month since we last see each other. quite a lot of them change. they become prettier. lols.
the first person i see is xin yi! lols.
xin yi and me. ;D (4 of them)

wei ling and me. (4 of them) wah. wei ling is super super ultra pretty. chiou bu. she had such a sweet smile. don't u agree? she's my idol man. lols. lols. i laugh tat wei ling is shorter den me. den she force me to squat down and take. tat's why i seem short in this photo. :)
from left to right: me, amanda lu and heidi. (say cheese!) shu qi (the movie star, lols.) and me.
it's so nice seeing old frenz tat u had not seen for so long. but good things don't last. 1pm we had to go. coz the sch closing liao. so idiot larh. should let us stay longer mah. lols. i regretted for only taking so little photos with my pri frenz lorh. coz time very short. no time to take. next time got chance, i muz take alot. lols.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 7:15 AM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

lols. today PE not fun one. very boring.
as usual, today math lesson change seat again. haha. this time i get bullied again. sigh. i am so poor thing. lols. but today is mr ng's last math lesson. so he didn't really scold much. lols. today also quite fun. talk abt horny stuff again. hahas. everyday talk horny stuff also not boring one. coz not only use mouth talk, but also use hand touch one. haha.
geog lesson, i don't know wat the heck the teacher is talking larh. sian. hate geog larh. especially the teacher. lols.
during the eng class, everybody was slacking okay. the teacher didn't even teach. lols. somebody whole lesson standing in front of the board, don't know doing wat thing. somebody sitting down talk the whole lesson. stupid rite. lols.
wah. so fast, term3 is over liao. things really past very fast. so muz really cherish watever u have now, if now u will regret. lols. and term4 is going to change seat liao! yay. lols. and tmr also no sch. coz of teacher's day. tmr 11am dismiss liao. den going to pri sch. lols.
den today after sch, i did some good deeds. hmm. really larh. it's true. lols.
coz for tmr party, i was suppose to buy sushi. so today after sch, i beg my mum to fetch me to a shopping center and bought some sushi. and i went to mini toons. wanting to buy a few more mirrors. but coz i was wearing sec sch uni. the shop assistant was like keep looking at me as though i was going to steal things like tat. plz larh. how would i ever steal thing. idiot. and she was like keep looking at me, asking me wat i want to look for. stupid larh she. in the end, i can't find cute mirror. so next time den buy lorh. hope next time won't see this kind of idiotic people. lols.
i hope tmr party everything will go on smoothly. and i'm sure i am going to fool some people during the party and HAVE FUN! lols. this is my mission. haha. jkjk. and i also hope tmr go HOTDOGS AND SAUSAGE. haha.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:59 AM

hmm. yesterday want to post. but got no time. lols. let me say abt yesterday first.
during math lesson i change seat with henry, which mean adeline is on my right and yun xian is on my left. obviously, i'm in their middle. hahas. lame. yesteday, adeline was very SICK. not sick minded larh. is flu. lols. den adeline got alot of VIRUS. she was trying to SPREAD to me. i keep shifting my table to yun xian there, but she continue move her table toward me. sigh. today i seriously abit blocked nose and sore throat liao. sian. stupid adeline. hehes. jkjk. during math class yesterday was damn FUN. we keep talking abt HORNY thing and, or should i say use hand touch? lols. nvm, it's the same. i was like keep using my bag to block. den i laugh laugh laugh. acidentally, my teeth knock on the table. OUCH. tat was pain okay. lols. in the end, got scolded by mr ng. but nobody seems to really care. hahas.
after tat, i got band. hmm. but no practice. coz it's a farewell party to one of our teacher in charge, ms janet tan. lols. her name should be like tat if i'm not wrong. lols. we had a food party in the canteen. but sth happen after recess, and i was very very emo. b4 recess, everything was going on smoothly and i had alot of fun. lols. but i coz i was sad. i didn't eat. i walk around with a few frenz. and i had a bet with them on sjab. haha. in the end, i WIN. lols. while i was on my way going to the canteen from the 2nd floor blocksA toilet, on the stairs going down one. somebody from band pushed me! and my ankle sprain a little bit can. ouch. tat was really pain. after tat, we went back to band room. all the chairs is moved aside, causing the room to be very clear. lols. we played sth like ice breaker and musical chair. for the ice breaker, my partner is APRIL. haha. jealous bah? lols. and for musical chair, i WIN. haha. so fun. and tat day around 6.15pm den dismiss. lols.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:18 AM

Monday, August 25, 2008

lols. k larh. today not bad. during CE very fun. adeline, yun xian, ee rong and me keep throwing the sweets tat i brought around. i brought 2packets. but coz keep eating and throwing, very fast finish liao. lols. during the SWEET WAR, got one damn funny thing happen. when ee rong was walking back to her seat, near yunxian seat, i throw a sweet at her. and my aiming super good one ok. i aim till she scream, but not coz of pain larh. coz i hit some place, den very shocking one, which is why i say my aiming is good. but her reaction quite slow larh. the sweet drop till the floor den she shouted 'arh!'. lols. i laugh till siao can. coz ee rong's expression really damn funny one.
den during HMT. erm. sth happen. the HMT people should know larh. the teacher said sth, which is not true larh. i would like to clarify tat. IT'S JUZ A COINCIDENCE. hehes.
den today so suai lorh. morning and afternoon band practice i both also late. den got pump. sian. lols. den today our conductor, mrs tan, very funny lorh. she say when i sit, the leg open very big, like a boy like tat. den she said sth very pervert and funny thing lorh. den i laugh like siao.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:23 AM

Friday, August 22, 2008

hmm. quite long never post liao huh. lols. first time 1week never post. erm. recently don't have much test. but really not in the mood to post. coz sth is really troubling me. sian! hate it larh. i hate life larh! hmm.
well. today li yun and stupid rebecca did sth to me during recess, which is also after PE. i was very angry can. hmm. don't talk abt it liao. sian.
today math teacher didn't come. very good. have fun during the lesson without teacher. but after a while ms loke came in. wa lao. she really very unresonable can. hate her larh. i hate life! don't know why larh. recently been bother by sth tat's why didn't even have mood to use my fav laptop. sian! hate it can. stupid.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 6:53 AM

Friday, August 15, 2008

wah. sian. today first lesson got to see the geog teacher, mr chan. sian. erm. th eteacher very wat lorh. keep cracking jokes. didn't teach much. sian.
today not much things happen larh. all is it i forgot? lols. during Computer Mastery, yun xian and me wrote a very nice story abt my 'family tree' one. erm. let me tell u who is in it first:
ah gong: jancitha
ah mah: brenda
daddy: ee rong
mummy: adeline
daddy's frenz: yun xian
daddy frenz's husband: rebecca
hmm. not bad rite. lols. the story very nice one. but very horny. u know why? coz the director is me! lols. yun xian is in charge of writing. hmm. i'm afraid if i post the story up here. i will get killed on monday. lols. den nobody will be able to continue the GOH family. lols.
den during recess, ee rong, or should i say father, keep telling me sick things can. even me also can't take it lorh. i didn't know tat my father is so damn horny one. she say till my hair also stand can. it's damn disgusting one. sigh. coz she wants me to continue the GOH family. lols.
den after tat went to kou fu with adeline, ee rong, yun xian and zhi shan. lols. den i treat them to drink. SO, don't say i only treat joon young ok? lols. erm. we take pack away and ate at the fifth floor of kou fu. lols.
lucky today didn't late for band. lols. today band till 5.15pm. lols. but got to wait for my mother.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:06 AM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

sigh. sian. today a boring day. today whole day PRANK CALLING people. lols. so fun. erm. today head very dizzy. don't know why. muz be somebody cursing me. lols.
today brought a DIY cube to the sch. den joon young help me fix and ee rong help me paste the stickers to the cube. ee rong help me paste till very nice. thank you ee rong! lols. they so nice rite.
wa lao. den during eng lesson, almost the whole class not listening to the teacher. actually the teacher quite poor thing leh. she should be more fierce and talk louder. lols. adeline, ee rong and rebecca very bad can. they use stapler... arh. forget it. don't want to describe it. very wat larh. they very bad lorh. lols. but ee rong more kind. she accompany me to the toliet. lols. she good rite. lols. today not much to talk larh. sian. tmr got band. sigh.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:25 AM

Saturday, August 9, 2008

sian. today super boring. wake up at 8am. lols. break record. first time wake up so early. lols. coz yesterday play too much. very tired. den sleep at 10pm. after tat watch doraemon. lols. didn't watch NDP, instead played com. lols. nth to post today. bye.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 4:43 AM

Friday, August 8, 2008

lols. today reach sch at 6.40am for the celebration of national day. wa lao. very very cold lorh. don't know if it's coz too early or juz rain finish. erm. played majulah and singapura at the quadrangle. den went to hall learn wat stupid dance. sian. waste my time. 11am sth dismiss.
but the pizza party starts at 12.30pm, so me, joon young, alison, jolie, april and roy went to kou fu to eat. at first joon young don't want to go coz he do not had enough money. den i treat him eat lorh. don't think sick or wat hor. there's nth between us. at first i ask joon young if he want to eat chicken rice anot, den he say no. in the end, he go buy chicken rice. wa lao. sian. he want to buy, den i ask him buy mine too mah. lols. and i shared my chicken rice with april. see, i so 'kind' larh. i shared chicken rice with april and treat joon young eat. lols. when we eat finish, it's juz 11.30am. there's still like an hour, so we went to the 5th floor of kou fu.
we really had lots of FUN. maybe today climb up and climb down, run here run there. hurt my ankle. and realise tat only when i reach home. see my ankle bleeding as my sock is abit red, stain with blood. OUCH! it was damn pain can. lols. anyway, we took quite alot of pictures today. here:

sry huh. half of alison's head is missing. and the head of roy is also missing. sry again. the hand blocking. lols.
me and april are muscular. lols. JKJK stupid joon young keep blowing air onto my head. stupid joon young and roy put those signs on my head. april very scare of the height, tat's why give this look. lols.

stupid joon young pop up when we taking photos.
april very scare of the height when going down. she took a long time to go down. lols. me and alison so brave. dare to stand up at the high height which april is scared of. lols.
after tat, return to the canteen for pizza party! the last chance to see Dr lee. so sad.

charissa(wearing the hat), ji won(in the middle) and me.

the party ended at 1.15pm lorh. i waited for my mum till 2pm. sian.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 1:43 AM

Thursday, August 7, 2008

lols. today got chi and eng test. erm. the eng test i also craps alot. coz i don't know how to do. lols. hope i pass. erm. chi very happy. lols. i got full marks! haha. after the chi test, got some times. i don't dare to go toliet myself. lols. den i walk to another table to ask brenda to come along. den the teacher see me. nearly got scolded. lols. i quickly tell her tat i 'don't dare' to go toliet my self. and the teacher laugh laugh laugh and let we all go. lols. den need to do compo. lols. it's very fun when dicussing how to do the compo, we need to describe people. i keep crapping and talking abt all those sick things. lols. but it was alicia, give me the idea to all those sick things. HAHA!!!
today got higher chi till 2,30pm. den after tat at the canteen, adeline, li yun, ee rong, rebecca and so on... still there. while eating. rebecca play the wat fortune teller hand thing on me. lols. funny. erm. den went with adeline, li yun and jia xuan to the dance room for the wat meeting. sian. lols.
after tat, i had been 'forced' by my mum to cut my hair. wa lao. i cut my hair till very short can. my behind erm... still acceptable larh. but my infront damn short can. so stupid larh. have to wait for my precious hair to grow again. haha. erm.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:23 AM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

lols. recently very busy with stupid tests, tat's why no time post. lols. today i got math and sci test. math still ok ok larh. but for sci. i seriously crap alot in it. i juz hope tat i pass will do. there's one que: Wat material is use for body space craft? den i crap, i put: ceramics. haha. and den another que: wat material is use for the handle of the cooking pot. and i put: titanium. lols. so stupid rite. haha. den i told some of my fenz. and they laughed at my mistake like hell. wa lao. so bad rite. lols.
today got practice till 6.40pm. wa lao. very late rite. den have rehearsal with the choir. lols.
today got quite alot of break. den during break, went to canteen, and have a water war. lols. claris, jing wen and samantha very disgusting ok? they are more disgusting den me lorh. lols. i don't think i should further elaborater more.
erm. we spent money to buy water den pour water onto our head. coz it's really very very hot. lols. i pour my head till whenever people see me, they ask if i juz got a shower. lols. at first, i ask my senior to use my nike waterbottle to spray my head, den in the end, i ask her stop she still don't want stop lorh. and almost half my body is wet. sigh. sian. if i got a cold den i die lorh. lucky no. lols. and during break, i run around the canteen, chasing after people who make fun of me and scold me for nth. lols. i don't think i should say who. lols. wa lao. why is recently the weather so hot huh? lols.
i think fri need to reach sch at 6.45am leh. so early rite? stupid larh. den after tat i think will have a pizza party/ farewell party for dr lee. sigh. so sad. lols. gtg liao. bye.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 6:37 AM

Sunday, August 3, 2008

lols. today wake up at around 9.15am to watch DORAEMON. lols.
den waited till 11am. the first one to come is... rebecca! lols. den second is liyun. third is zi lin. fourth is hui yin. lols.
we called KFC, 2couple meals. lols. around 12.45pm, the food came. wah. we had a WAR when cleaning it up. but it was so FUN! every body is very responsible. they clean wat they use. very good rite. lols. but i still had to clean alot of thing. coz KFC food very oily one. muz make sure all the plates, tables and floor is not oily. lols.
den around 2pm, hui yin and zi lin left. after tat left, liyun, rebecca and me. we played some games and we took some pictures. here:

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 12:47 AM